英「EU離脱」へ 世界に衝撃 2016年6月24日 ブラック・フライデー

382選挙区中382区が結果報告 | 開票率: 100.0% | 投票率:72.2%


残留: 48.1%

16,141,241 票

離脱: 51.9%

17,410,742 票


出典:What UK Thinks: EU、プリディクトワイズ

[東京 24日 ロイター] - 英国で23日、欧州連合(EU)離脱の是非を問う国民投票が実施され、離脱派の勝利がほぼ確実になった。英国の先行き不透明感が強まり、第二次世界大戦後の欧州統合の動きにブレーキがかかった。


<三井住友銀行 チーフストラテジスト 宇野大介氏>


<T&Dアセットマネジメント 運用統括部長 山中清氏>


<三井住友アセットマネジメント チーフストラテジスト 石山仁氏>

意外な印象はぬぐえない。投票率の上昇で離脱派が増えたという要因があるとみている。日経平均先物のサーキットブレーカーが発動するなど、日本株はかなり行き過ぎた水準まで下落している。今後の為替の水準次第の面もあるが、企業業績の下方修正リスクをもう一度織り込みにいかざるを得ない展開が想定される。 今後、欧州連合(EU)と英国との間で離脱に向けた条件の交渉が行われ、その決定が2年後になるとすると、影響は中長期に及ぶ可能性がある。右傾化の流れが北欧などで出ており、現在のEUのフレームワークを見直そうという動きが高まるリスクがある。

<クレディ・アグリコル証券・チーフエコノミスト 尾形和彦氏>


<みずほ銀行 チーフマーケット・エコノミスト 唐鎌大輔氏>


George Soros: EU exit risks 'black Friday'

Exclusive: Currency speculator warns devaluation would mean more disruption than when UK dropped out of ERM in 1992

George Soros: the Brexit crash will make all of you poorer

The world’s most famous currency speculator has warned a vote on Thursday for Britain to leave the EU would trigger a bigger and more damaging fall for sterling than the day he forced Britain out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism almost a quarter of a century ago.

George Soros, writing in the Guardian, said that a Brexit vote would spark a “black Friday” for the UK, but the devaluation of sterling would bring none of the benefits to the economy that it enjoyed after it dropped out of the ERM on 16 September 1992 – Black Wednesday.

He said that, as in 1992, there would be big financial gains for speculators who had bet on the UK leaving the EU but that such an outcome would leave “most voters considerably poorer”.

Soros said that unlike after Black Wednesday, there was little scope for a cut in interest rates, the UK was running a much larger current account deficit, and exporters would be unable to exploit the benefits of a cheaper pound due to the uncertainty caused by a vote to leave the EU.

“Sterling is almost ­certain to fall steeply and quickly if leave wins the referendum,” Soros said. “I would expect this devaluation to be bigger and also more disruptive than the 15% ­devaluation that occurred in September 1992, when I was fortunate enough to make a ­substantial profit for my hedge fund investors at the expense of the Bank of England and the British government.”

In the months following the UK’s departure from the ERM, interest rates were cut from 10% to 5.5% – easing the financial burdens facing consumers and businesses. However, with official borrowing costs currently at 0.5%, Soros said rates were already at the lowest level consistent with the stability of British banks and meant there was little the Bank of England could do in the event that Brexit led to a recession.

A vote to leave would force the pound to slide towards parity with the euro – “a method of joining the euro that nobody in Britain would want” – and plunge more than in September 1992 when his $10bn (£6.9bn) bet against the pound broke the Bank of England.

“Too many believe that a vote to leave will have no effect on their personal financial positions. This is wishful thinking. If Britain leaves the EU it will have at least one very clear and immediate effect that will touch every household: the value of the pound would decline ­precipitously. A vote to leave the EU would also have an immediate and dramatic impact on financial markets, investment, prices and jobs,” Soros added.

“A vote to leave could see the week end with a black Friday and serious consequences for ordinary people,” Soros said.

Michael Gove, the justice secretary and leading leave campaigner, said Soros had previously predicted that Britain would be better off with the single currency, a forecast which proved the currency speculator had made mistakes.

“George Soros is an advocate of the single currency, an advocate of European integration,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. “If economic forecasters were as reliable as doctors or airline pilots then we’d all be billionaires. When we reflect on what George Soros is saying we also need to remember he has got things wrong in the past.”

Gove said the EU model was a “sinking ship” which Britain could unshackle itself from, and “send Europe in a better, more progressive direction”.

Two days before the polls close a series of high-profile figures warned about the risks of a vote to leave. Enda Kenny, the taoiseach of Ireland, appealed to Britain to vote to remain inside the EU, warning that the return of a stronger border between Ireland and Northern Ireland required by a Brexit vote would play into an old narrative – “one of division, isolation and difference”.

Writing in the Guardian, Kenny warned of a psychological effect, saying the reappearance of the old border after decades of work to promote peace and reconciliation “would be a step backwards and present an opportunity for others, with malign agendas, to exploit”.

Jeremy Corbyn repeated his careful endorsement of a remain vote. The Labour leader said he was “not a lover” of the EU but had come to a rational decision about his support for remain. He cautioned that either result was possible: “I’m hoping there is going to be a remain vote; there may well be a remain vote, there may well be a leave vote.”

Amid worries about whether Labour supporters would turn out for remain, Len McCluskey, who heads the Unite trade union, wrote that he was not surprised that they were concerned about immigration.

“In the last 10 years, there has been a gigantic experiment at the expense of ordinary workers. Countries with vast historical differences in wage rates and living standards have been brought together in a common labour market,” he said. “The result has been sustained pressure on living standards, a systematic attempt to hold down wages and to cut the costs of social provision for working people.”

Sterling rallied on Monday as polls published over the weekend showed a rise in support for the remain camp after the death of Jo Cox and propelled the pound to its biggest one-day move in almost eight years when compared with the world’s other major currencies.

Sterling jumped more than 2% to touch $1.47 against the dollar and headed towards €1.30 against the euro. The FTSE 100 index of leading shares jumped 3% to 6,204 – pulled higher by the banking and property companies that had dragged it lower in recent weeks.

Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, accused remain supporters of trying to take advantage of the death of Cox. “What we are seeing here is the prime minister and the remain campaign trying to conflate the actions of one crazed individual with the motives of half of Britain who think we should get back control of our borders and do it sensibly.”

Soros said that speculators – hailed the Gnomes of Zurich in the 1960s by Harold Wilson – had made large profits at Britain’s expense at the time of the 1967 devaluation. “Today there are speculative forces in the markets much bigger and more powerful. And they will be eager to exploit any miscalculations by the British government or British voters. A vote for Brexit will make some people very rich – but most voters considerably poorer,” Soros said.

Not all economists agree with Soros’s assertion that a rate cut will not be possible: economists at JP Morgan are among those forecasting a cut to zero in August from the historic low of 0.5%.

But economists at Pantheon Macroeconomics expect sterling to plunge if there is a vote for Brexit. “If Britain opts for Brexit – as it well could, given the latest neck-and-neck opinion polls – sterling likely will plunge,” Samuel Tombs at Pantheon said, warning the market was underestimating how far sterling could fall. Tombs warned that capital outflows could be “gargantuan”.

マーケット > レポート > 特集レポート > 【特集】英国のEU離脱、政治的混乱を収束できるか?経済危機へ発展か?



英国のEU離脱が確実視され、午後の取引で日経平均は1,000円以上急落し、一時年初来のザラ場安値(2月12日:14,865円) を下回る14,864円まで下げ幅を拡大したほか、NYダウ先物も600Pts以上下落、さらに英FT先物も下落しました。さらには債券先物市場でも米10年債利回りが安全資産への債券買いを背景に利回りが大幅に低下しました。

